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About us

I set up Arlene Ryan Pilates in 2021 however, my journey to Pilates began many years ago when I attended my first class, nervously walking in not knowing what to except. My eyes were drawn to the bazaar looking machine sitting on the studio floor, I started to wonder who or what would be using that!! I soon realised it would be me. My instructor told me it was called a Reformer. Cautiously he brought me through my first few exercises, one flowing into another, it wasn't long before I knew me and the reformer would be life long friends. My obsession began..... starting with one class a week, moving to two then three , after a few months I was a fanatic going 5 times a week.

Pilates was so different from my job as a Dental Nurse, which I loved and was happy in for 21 years but exercise was never too far away as I had been an active dancer since the age of 4 and after sitting my leaving cert I opened my dance school for children in 1999 which is still going strong today. 

The day eventually came when I decided to undertake my Pilates Instructor training, which in turn led me to teaching classes. I knew I was was lucky to have three careers I loved, Dental Nursing, Dancing and Pilates however, working seven days a week was tough so I had to make the difficult decision to leave the dental world. It wasn't easy but I had Pilates in sight and wanted to take it to the next level..... teacher training.  

I completed my initial training with Balanced Body and in turn received my comprehensive training through Physicalmind Institute.

I'm also a certified instructor for Pink Ribbon, which is Pilates for cancer survivors.

Our personalised Pink Ribbon sessions are a great way for clients to regain confidence before returning to class.

Along with practicing Pilates regularly, I keep up to date attending courses and workshops, always looking for new and exciting methods to bring to my teaching.


We have classes to suit everyone, whether you love mat or TYE4 we can take you through beginners to advanced classes or perhaps you would prefer a semi private session with just you and a friend or two. Our private sessions are suitable if you're unsure what level you are at or if you have an injury so we can guide you through the best exercises for you.

Our TYE4 Pilates classes are exclusive to Arlene Ryan Pilates in Ireland.

As the first instructor in Ireland to be trained in TYE4 we look forward to bringing this new and challenging method to your routine.


When the opportunity arose to become the first licensee in Ireland to hold the PhysicalMind Institute Certification in Teacher Training I was delighted knowing how much this course could do to help future instructors. 

When setting up this school I had one thing in encourage my students to become the best instructors they can be, with the knowledge and skills they need to progress in their careers as Pilates Instructors.



As I am the first Licensee in Ireland for PhysicalMind Institute, on completion of your course and a successful exam, you will be awarded with a certificate from PhysicalMind Institute which will allow you to obtain insurance cover in order to set up your own classes with a globally recognised qualification.



PhysicalMind Institute was established in 1991 by Joan Breibart when she organised The Institute for the Pilates Method which introduced the first Pilates Certification Program. Joan has a world of knowledge and experience behind her, she is the biggest inspiration in the world of Pilates today. It is an honour for me to be able to hold this course under the PhysicalMind Institute name.

Arlene Ryan getting ready for pilates class
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